実践ビジネス英語 ディクテーション (12/29, 30ほか)

こんにちは。NHKラジオ「実践ビジネス英語」”Talk the Talk”のディクテーションです。
Lesson 18のテーマは、‘Transforming a Night Owl’(夜型人間の改造)でした。Vignetteでは、朝型の人が多い職場環境に慣れずにいる夜型社員へのアドバイスという形で体内時計や睡眠習慣などが話題となり、レクチャーを聞いているようでした。
Talk the Talk”では朝型のHeatherさんと夜型のご主人の朝の風景や、アメリカから帰国する便の機内での残念な体験などについて話されています。

Transforming a Night Owl(S: 杉田敏先生 H: Heather Howardさん)

S: Our current vignette talks about morning people versus evening people.
You’ve said before that you’re a morning person, right, Heather?

H: Yes, I am most definitely a morning person.
And my husband is a dyed-in-the-wool evening person, which regularly pits our body clocks at odds.
Imagine us over the years, let’s say getting ready to leave for some trip in the morning―I’d be bouncing around the apartment as soon as the alarm had gone off and telling my husband over and over, “Honey, you better get up.”
And when he was up, I’d be chattering on about how I wanted to go here and do this during the trip and wasn’t this going to be so much fun.…
While of course, he just wanted to have a cup of coffee and try to wake up.

S: And of course there were and are times when the situation is reversed.

H: Of course. Sometimes it will be pretty late at night, at least it feels late to me, and my husband wants to have a deep philosophical conversation about something, and I can barely manage to follow what he’s saying―let alone respond it in an equally thoughtful way.

S: Ueda recommends some ways to avoid sleeping through one’s alarm.
Do you have any method regarding that problem?

H: I use my smartphone to get up, so I usually set at least two alarms for the morning.
I often get to bed late despite being a morning person, and it’s easy to turn the alarm off fully intending to get up.
And then realize “Ah, no! I fell asleep for another 45 minutes!”
So I set the second alarm to go off 15 minutes later and I usually manage to get up with that one.

S: Grace talks about airlines serving breakfast food to help get their passengers in sync with their destination’s time zone.

H: Yes, and adjusting their cabin lighting, too.
I took a brief trip to the United States in September, and as soon as the return flight left Minneapolis at about 11:15 a.m. local time, they turned off the cabin lights so people could get some sleep.
The time in Japan was, I believe, 1:15 a.m., so they were helping us reset our internal clocks to that schedule.
That’s why it especially ticked me off that the woman in the row ahead of me refused to close her window shade all the way.
I was all right because the light was blocked by her row of seats, so I managed to get some sleep.
But it cast a harsh beam of light horizontally across the plane and the man in the next block of seats across the aisle was kept awake the whole trip.
But even though that man and I both complained to the cabin attendants, they couldn’t get her to close it all the way.
It was very inconsiderate.

S: Grace says successful people make a point of adjusting to their new time zones in 24 hours.

H: I’ll have to research how they do that because I certainly can’t.
Jet lag just kills me every time.
